Advertising and Marketing are concepts that are constantly in the limelight because today, everything revolves around them. From filling feedback forms to posting reviews on websites, all these activities contribute to promoting and advertising brands and their products or services. Today, advertising and marketing have many more diverse options and can also reach their consumers more effectively. In Australia, online advertising saw a market share increase from 45% to 57.9% in just five years. This rise is primarily due to the new online marketing avenues that are available to advertisers and brands. A marketing agency in Sydney requires more resources than before to efficiently promote their clients’ brands, as a holistic advertising approach is the only avenue for successful marketing. A holistic approach refers to using online and offline avenues appropriate to the brand’s message and target audience.
While hiring a marketing agency is the ideal option to promote one’s brand and reach a vast audience base, brands must also be aware of the various promotional platforms. Brands with in-depth knowledge of the platforms available to them will also work better with and understand the strategies put forth by any marketing agency in Sydney or other parts of Australia.
Social Media
Social media is perhaps the most well-known platform for advertisements. Brands and advertisers can find people of most age groups on these social media portals and apps, allowing them to reach most of their target audience. Social media advertising can take two forms – via influencers or advertisements. Social media influencers are mini-celebrities who are open to promoting brands, and getting them to promote one’s brand is a surefire way of boosting sales. Most new brands rely on influencers to spread the word and build their brand name.
Social media advertisements are also an effective method of advertising but require careful strategising. A regular post is effortless to scroll by, so brands have to build an online presence on social media to engage with their audience. Marketing agencies can help brands maintain and grow their social media presence and constantly boost sales.
Offline Advertising
Offline advertising includes all advertising platforms that are not online like, print media, signage (including digital signage), door-to-door campaigns, advertising in malls and outlets, free samples, discounts, etc. While there are various offline advertising methods, brands should pick the one best suited to their message and product, and it should also be appealing to their audience demographic. For example, social media giveaways for anti-ageing products would better suit people over 25 years of age than teenagers, and the promotional content should cater to their tastes and preferences.
Search Engine Advertising
Search engines helped people to search and find anything and everything, like restaurants and bars near them. But today, search engines are also a prime avenue for advertising and promoting products. This shift is because most search queries have some relation to some brand. For example, people searching for research papers might find advertisements for apps like Curiosity, Academia, Goodreads, etc., which are apps related to research papers. People can find these papers on these apps or other related content to research.
More than 93% of Australians begin their online experiences on search engines every day. Every Marketing agency in Sydney is aware of this increase in reliance on search engines. The effortless accessibility of search engines to every age group makes it the best avenue to promote products and services. Marketing agencies use several techniques to optimise brands’ content, websites, blogs, articles, etc., to place higher in search result pages. Brands can ensure better visibility and promotion using Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing.