Certification is an important step for any fitness professional. Certification not only tells your clients that you are qualified to help them reach their health and fitness goals, but it also shows employers that you are committed to lifelong learning. There are many certifications available in the industry today. Still, if you’re looking for personal training certification, read on to find out what to expect when taking the exam!
What to Expect
There are three different categories of personal trainer certification exams. The first is testing your knowledge of physiology and anatomy. Next is a practical test on how you use this information to work with clients safely and effectively. Finally, there’s a business section that tests your understanding of the industry and financial concepts such as insurance billing or payment plans.
It should be noted that each organization has its exam structure. So it’s important to familiarize yourself with what type will best suit you before committing time and money towards preparation materials. But below, find out about some common types:
How to Tailor Training Regiments to Clients
As this will be your full-time job after certification, expect to be presented with scenarios that need the application of your knowledge. For example, you might be given a client who is struggling to lose weight. You’ll then need to use the concepts of physiology and anatomy to develop an individualized training regimen!
Muscle Groups/How They Function.
Here, your knowledge of how muscles interact functionally through movement patterns is assessed. You’ll also be expected to know which muscles are used during each movement pattern.
For example, the biceps femoris is a hamstring muscle group that flexes the knee and extends the hip when it contracts. It’s often tested with other leg muscles, such as the gluteus maximus or semimembranosus. This is because they all work together through similar movement patterns. Finally, you might be asked for specific exercises to train these muscle groups safely without injury properly!
How Do I Keep My Clients Safe?
When training your client one-on-one or in small groups, many things can go wrong if proper precautions aren’t taken. To prevent injuries while exercising, some basics include: instructing your client on the appropriate form, avoiding speed and weight that is too heavy for them or their current fitness level, and checking in with clients frequently to make sure they’re ok.
Finally, you’ll be tested on the types of injuries that can occur during exercise, along with how to avoid these problems!
Insurance Billing/Payment Plans.
The business section tests concepts such as insurance billing and payment plans. In this category, you might be presented with scenarios where a client does not have access to health insurance but still wants personal training sessions from you. You will need to know about different payment options available to satisfy both parties at the end of each session!
In conclusion, certification gives trainers across the world a shared standard of knowledge and professionalism. If you’re looking for personal training certification, the above information will help to prepare you for what to expect on test day!