You need to identify the best way in which you can represent your brand to get the maximum out of car sticker marketing. You need to use quality graphics and become a local attraction. Almost over 80 percent of people drive to go to their work in one vehicle or the other. This is the fact that business takes advantage of and market their products or services using car sticker marketing. Simply driving your branded vehicle to and fro your business place can help you to get around 30k to 40k potential customers daily. Do not think that car sticker marketing is a costly method they are one of the most affordable marketing methods.
In this article, we will discuss some of the dos and don’ts that you must keep in your mind while car sticker marketing.
Don’t Use Too Much Graphics, Do Keep Simple
To make the best out of your car sticker marketing you have to avoid adding unnecessary information in your car decals. Just add only the relevant information that is required like contact information, a little about your business, and your business name. You do not have to add all about your products and business. Your potential customers will have a fraction of seconds to get the information that is displayed by your car sticker. Also, keep in mind to keep the design of the sticker constant as it will help in creating brand reorganization. According to Forbes, consistent branding ensures that the information that is provided to people is true.
Don’t Use Complicated Fonts, Do Use Simple Fonts
While finalizing the design of your car decal stickers make sure to use a simple font that is easy to read from a distance. At the first, you may get tempted by the various kinds of fonts available but control our temptations and use a simple font say Calibri.
Don’t Apply Car Sticker along the Sides; Do Utilize the Back and the Front
Remember your vehicle is not a two-dimensional object it’s 3-dimensional. Along with the sides, the front and back of your vehicle are also visible. So utilize those areas. Use the sides and back of your vehicle to display your contact number and website details. All vehicles are not the same in dimensions, so before designing the car stickers, be sure to take proper measurements of your vehicle. Some parts of your vehicle may not be covered or in some states, it might even be illegal. So, discuss this with your sticker installer beforehand. In states like Wisconsin, applying stickers on car windows is illegal.
Don’t Use Low-Quality Photographs, Do Use Professional Photographs
If you are planning to use photos then do not use low-quality photographs, get your photographs from a professional photographer. A blurred or fuzzy image on a company vehicle looks very unprofessional. The images should reflect high-quality work.
These are some dos and don’ts that you must keep in mind for car sticker marketing. Above all do not forget to maintain your car sticker.